Leisure Turf and Landscape Limited


Turf Managers managing Lawn Bowling Greens are faced with more difficulties than any other discipline of turf management. Generally speaking the conditions are the toughest in that Lawn Bowling Greens are maintained under challenging conditions where heavy compaction, excessive wear are required to be dealt with, while having the restrictions of a tight budget. In comparison to many other sports turf playing surfaces, Lawn Bowling Greens are very small and are constantly under pressure from over usage, moisture stress, low cutting heights, shade, lack of air flow, along with a high requirement for green speed, eventually all of the above can lead to the greens showing signs of wear and becoming unsightly. The task of producing quality playing surfaces under these constraints requires the knowledge of the Lawn Bowling Green Turf Managers to be at an optimum, however, unfortunately Turf Managers managing Bowling Greens are not always remunerated well to match the knowledge base required to deal with the challenges involved.

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sportsfields maintenance, cricket wicket maintenance, lawn bowls green maintenance, sportsturf education, domestic lawns, gardens, sport turf, amenity turf, leisure turf, landscape, turf grass, landscape products