Leisure Turf and Landscape Limited


The preparation, construction and ongoing maintenance of turf cricket pitches is the most unique form of turf management out of all forms of sports turf management. The surface of a turf wicket requires a concrete like surface to be produced that provides a durable surface for ball pace and bounce, while at the same time it requires a constant end even grass coverage with a deep and vigorous root system that grows deep into the soil profile. that assists with the drying of the pitch during preparation.

In order for this to be achieved it requires the turf manager to have a skill level that is evenly balance between theory, knowledge and on job experience - theory and knowledge is required to understand how and why things work under different climatic conditions, and on job experience is important as its required to help the turf manager to think and act on his feet as the environmental situation changes during construction and preparation of pitches.

Although every situation is different, there can be generally a standard set of rules that can be followed with constructing and preparing turf cricket pitches wherever you might be throughout the world.

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sportsfields maintenance, cricket wicket maintenance, lawn bowls green maintenance, sportsturf education, domestic lawns, gardens, sport turf, amenity turf, leisure turf, landscape, turf grass, landscape products