Leisure Turf and Landscape Limited

We turn Lean areas into Green areas; Turn Barron into Beautiful; Turn Sparse into Grass.

Cricket Grounds International have the aim of providing the highest quality playing surfaces to Associations, Clubs, Company Owners, and Government bodies. As a company we are constantly engaged in continuous improvement of our products and services. We set very high standards for ourselves to a point where we are driven by success and are motivated by client satisfaction.

Cricket Grounds International believe in taking a personal approach to our services, where every project we enter into we enter with dedication and pride. We take all the necessary measures to ensure all our clients are 100% satisfied with our service, and regardless whether the engagement with a customer is a one off employment or an ongoing maintenance appointment, we are adamant that our clients get all the necessary advice and direction they need to not only get value for money, but to able to enjoy the results of their upgraded facility.

Every project that we are involved with, quality is always the main priority, we pride ourselves on producing first class results that can be equally rated up against other facilities internationally considered to be of a world class standard. We strongly feel that good relationships within our field are important and are built on trust, and trust relates back to providing the desired outcome to customers on every occasion that our services are engaged in. We believe in approaching every task with a systematic approach and we strongly feel with the implementation of good programs, produces good results.


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sportsfields maintenance, cricket wicket maintenance, lawn bowls green maintenance, sportsturf education, domestic lawns, gardens, sport turf, amenity turf, leisure turf, landscape, turf grass, landscape products